Chillingham Castle is a castle that was built in the 12th century and resides in Northumberland, England in a village named Chillingham from which it takes its name. It was initially built as a monastery and then was used as a stronghold mostly for defense rather than offense through the many centuries of fighting between England and Scotland. The Castle sits near the border between Scotland and England and so it was often under attack. Much of the Castle as it is seen today is the way it was originally built with a few additions. It is reportedly one of the more haunted locations in Europe. This haunting energy is not only a result of war, but of the horrific way in which men were imprisoned and killed within the walls of the Castle. Join Denise and Diane as they share the history, tortures and hauntings of this magnificent castle! Moment in Oddity features Coral Castle in Florida and This Day in History commemorates the 200th anniversary of the Battle of New Orleans.